
フォトグラファー・島田勇子が、2023年2〜5月アメリカ・オレゴン州ポートランドに渡米、ホームステイでの出来事をまとめたリトルプレス「how much you have / how much you want」を、英訳を追加して全12回でお届け!リトルプレス「how much you have / how much you want」は、兵庫・須磨[自由港書店]で販売中です。

vol.00 「はじめに」

ポートランドは特別な街です。 2023年の2月から5月、アメリカのオレゴン州ポートランドという小さな街で過ごしました。

I hope that the small outbursts of ups and downs of emotion that continue to occur every day will not be internalized as just small everyday events.

In Japan, sometimes I feel like I forget important revelations if I don’t make an effort to remember them, but here it seems like holding on to these moments is a basic skill everyone has.

Portland is a special city. From February to May 2023, I spent time in the small city of Portland, Oregon, America.


At the time, I was a 37-year-old photographer who had become an independent freelancer five years earlier after quitting the studio I had worked at for ten years in 2018. I loved my work and enjoyed every opportunity, but this question was always in the back of mind, “What is my purpose for taking photographs?” I knew even then that it was a luxury that I could take time to ponder this question. Thinking back now, it may have been a choice I needed to make to increase my chances of survival. It was a little escape from the fun but hectic days of normal life.

その街で突発的に湧いた憧れを ひとごとみたいだけど叶えてあげたくて、3年越しに、行ってみることにしました。

Is it okay to live this freely?
If I stayed here, maybe I could stop rushing around and comparing myself to others.
How would I feel and what kind of photographs would I take if I lived here, instead of just visiting?

Before the pandemic, I happened to visit Portland after being invited to join a friend on her trip.

I decided to go again by myself three years later because I wanted to make the dream of the lifestyle that suddenly rose up out of nowhere while I was in that city come true.

静かで確かな暮らしの中で、びゅんびゅんと流れるように起きていた 心境や価値観の変化を

The Portlanders I met always took time to make their own decisions. Each one was solely responsible for the outcome of the decisions they made. This is completely natural because those decisions are so personal. It can be scary to leave decisions, both big and (seemingly) small, to others.

They were always free. They were creative, friendly, and lively, and the city and people always held me tight.

I’ve made friends where we can drink beer and laugh and talk about how we want to live our lives.

If you live your life in this manner, you may discover answers to questions without knowing the reasons why.

Then, I gradually became more and more just myself, and my ability to love people other than myself became stronger.

It was like my prideful and arrogant self was disappearing.

So, then I knew that I would be okay wherever I was. Although I had no proof, I did have some feeling of assurance, and I was holding myself to a promise of never forgetting the lessons I had learned even after I returned to Japan.

Looking back at the time before I went to America, I was working so hard without sparing time for sleep.

During this time when I was trying to correct the trajectory of my life, I came to appreciate many things that were commonplace while living an ordinary life, but I also realized that they are things that will continue to help me and move me forward.

I turned my diary, which I posted in real time on social media, into a book, detailing the changes in my state of mind and values that were happening rapidly in my quiet and reliable life.


フォトグラファー 島田勇子


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翻訳協力/Word House

※〈フォトグラファー島田勇子 「how much you have/ how much you want」 ポートランド日記〉は毎週水曜17:00更新。vol2.は4/24(水)投稿予定です。お楽しみに!このほかの記事は、ハッシュタグ #島田勇子 をクリック!

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発売日:2025年2月21日(金)定 価:900円(税込)